Zum Inhalt


Sixteentimes Music produces, publishes, and distributes records – ranging from folk and blues to rock and metal. As management and booking agency, we offer everything to support musicians in the process of releasing their records and getting them on stage – all around the world! 

What you need to know
We are deeply rooted in the alternative music scene, we love vinyl and we love live music <3

Offices & Team
Headquartered in Basel since 2010
German office in Berlin since 2021

Sixteentimes Music currently has an international team of 9 members. Further work for Sixteentimes Music is done on a voluntary basis. The association is also supported by 42 patrons.

2020 (c) rk | NO MUTE at Z7, Switzerland

How it all started…
Founded in 2010, we had the idea of promoting young artists and enabling them to make high-quality music recordings. The name of the company came from the sixteen channels on the mixer that was available for recording. Thus «Sixteentimes Studios» was born.

What began as a side-job was gradually expanded with further offers. Sound carriers were recorded and published, artists were referred to various organizers and their own events were held in the Basel area. The name was also changed to «Sixteentimes Music». At the end of 2017, it was entered in the Basel-Stadt commercial register (legal form: association).

Even if the name has changed in 2017 and Sixteentimes Music is no longer a mere side-job, one thing has always remained the same: the dedication to music, the will to contribute to the promotion of culture, as well as giving talented artists a platform for their music.